Good Health Naturally SerraEnzyme – the Miracle Enzyme

4 August 2024

SerraEnzyme – the Miracle Enzyme in Brisbane, Australia Every now and again a product comes along which I think everyone should know about.  Ischemic heart disease is the biggest killer in Australia and SerraEnzyme could I believe, seriously reduce these numbers.  SerraEnzyme is the highest International Unit, Serrapeptase. If you have a history of Cardiovascular … Read More

Global Healing Oxy Powder – Stories of Healing

4 August 2024

OXY POWDER STORIES OF HEALING June, 57 years old, came to me with her blood test results which were all in the ‘normal’ range.  She’d “always taken her vitamins and I eat well Miriam”, but couldn’t understand why she found it hard, mere impossible to lose weight and was over getting every ‘flu and bug’ that … Read More

How Do I Know If I Have Candida?

16 July 2024

Candida is a natural part of our gut micro-biome, unfortunately as children we may have been given access to soft drinks, confectionary, and processed foods on a regular basis.  These processed foots, combined with Australian doctors who are unfortunatley,  the largest prescriber of antibiotics the world over, will provide the ideal grounds upon which Candida colonies proliferate in numbers less than healthy.