Global Healing Oxy Powder – Stories of Healing

4 August 2024

OXY POWDER STORIES OF HEALING June, 57 years old, came to me with her blood test results which were all in the ‘normal’ range.  She’d “always taken her vitamins and I eat well Miriam”, but couldn’t understand why she found it hard, mere impossible to lose weight and was over getting every ‘flu and bug’ that … Read More


16 July 2024

The most common thyroid complaint is hypothyroidism, or low thyroid function. The most common reason a person has low thyroid is because they are missing key nutrients!  Simple!  No thyroxine needed! Part of what I do during a consultation is decode why a person has become hypothyroid in the first place.  It doesn’t happen overnight, usually it happens over decades.   Synthetic thyroxine is T4, a synthetic form of a key thyroid hormone.   However without its conversion to T3, T4 does very little to transform the symptoms of hypothyroidism!  

Global Healing Foreign Protein Cleanse

16 July 2024

Formulated by Dr. Ed Group and Dr. Bryan Ardis, Foreign Protein Cleanse is a potent cleansing formula containing advanced ingredients. This product targets and detoxes spike proteins in the body, which can disrupt the body’s natural inflammatory response. This complete blend is particularly useful for individuals experiencing persistent symptoms often linked to bioweapon-based ongoing health challenges.

Fatigue and the Invisible Illness

16 July 2024

Rather than dismissing lingering fatigue after a viral infection, it is imperative to understand the impact on mitochondrial function and the presence of chronic inflammation. Viral infections can disrupt mitochondrial energy production and trigger systemic inflammation, driving relentless fatigue.   Naturopathic treatments focus on supporting mitochondrial health with specific nutrients and antioxidants, as well as addressing underlying inflammation through dietary changes and herbal medicines.