They call the above oral thrush, yet a tongue like this, is actually an indication that Candida, fungal overgrowth is very much over-grown in the entire intestinal tract.  If its located in the intestinal tract to this degree, as indicated by this thick-coated creamy tongue, then it will be affecting a person’s whole body – their mood, skin, digestive capabilities, and hormonal system.

 The reason the tongue is coated in the first place, is because the cause is in the gut initially.  The tongue is reflecting what is going on in the body, so tongue scraping or mouth wash alone will not make it go away.  Dietary and life style factors need to be taken into consideration and the fastest way to knock back down Candida into healthy numbers is with herbal medicine.

A Candida over-growth can be indicated on a tongue in a much less serve way. Often I see it as a smaller patch on the back of the tongue – the coating may be thick, thin, white, cream or yellow.     
Symptoms can include fatigue, brain fog, worsening PMS symptoms, hormonal imbalances, moodiness, skin outbreaks and fungal toes.   

Candida can be cleared in 6 x weeks – yet often it takes longer, sometimes up to 6-9 months in my experience.   It involves cleansing the gut, ‘weeding’ it of Candida and other parasites and ‘re-seeding’ the gut with pre and probiotics – both with  supplements and in terms of foods.  

A diet high in leafy green vegetables, clean protein, whole grains, raw garlic (anti-fungal), olive oil (anti-fungal) and culinary herbs, such as thyme, oregano, turmeric, basil etc can really help.   Fresh fruit is fine.  But avoid dried fruits.  Pumpkin (pepita) seeds are also handy.  You must give up sugar, honey and processed foods.  Colloidal Minerals really helps the cravings.  

“I used Candida Balance for a few months already and I had some flaky skin and scalp issues that have disappeared. Skin has cleared up and I have more energy. Also, I am less bloated. I didn’t realize all these issues were from candida.”  Natalie


Candida is a natural part of our gut micro-biome, unfortunately as children we may have been given access to soft drinks, confectionary, and processed foods on a regular basis.  These processed foots, combined with Australian doctors who are unfortunatley,  the largest prescriber of antibiotics the world over, will provide the ideal grounds upon which Candida colonies proliferate in numbers less than healthy.   

An over-growth of Candida often causes bloating, gas, bad breath, diahorrea and/or constipation.  

A comprehensive stool test, available with myself is called the GI MAPPING test and will give you an accurate report in exactly which strains of Candida, bacteria and parasites you have and in what numbers.   

– Value of $145   (New Clients Only)