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Natural Red Iron

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Sadly Red Iron is now out of stock permanently!    (Harrold now 88 has retried from making Raaj Red Iron, and his business partner has gone into care.)   

However there is now Global Healing’s PLANT-BASED IRON – derived only from plants that I prescribe in my clinical practice with outstanding results!  Turning around low ferritin (stored iron) in approximately 3 x months.  

Plant-Based Iron now on Sale!  Please click here.  

Low B12 Levels can affect he production of new red blood cells, which will over time lead to low iron levels.  Take Global Healing’s VITAMIN B12 (Methyl, Adenosyl and Hydroxo), if you suspect Low B12. Aim to get your B12 levels above 500 pg/ml.

Vitamin C increases iron levels, eat Kiwi fruit and/or take PLANT-BASED VITAMIN C (from Amala and Blackcurrent.

Available on back-order

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Iron Deficiency High Risk Groups

The primary people in need of Natural Red Iron are the following:

  1. Women with heavy periods and difficult menstruation are a top priority.
  2. That crappy feeling during your monthly period.
  3. Strict vegetarians and Vegans are at the top of list also.
  4. Studies show most menstruating women at risk for sub clinical levels of iron.
  5. Pregnant women especially.
  6. Lactating women.
  7. Anemia, and that run down feeling see fast results with Natural Red Iron.
  8. Elderly People, men and women both need to supplement.
  9. Athletes especially long distance runners.
  10. Hospital patients and outpatients exposed to excessive bleeding from wounds or surgery.
  11. One very over looked situation is iron depletion caused by chemotherapy.
  12. Men over 50.
  13. Women in menopause.
  14. Many other situations exist such as sickle cell anemia.

Ingredients: Iron sulphate in fulvic acid water

From the Desk of Dr. Roger Gunderson :

Chemotherapy-Induced Anemia in Cancer Patients
Hwasoon Rim, RN, MSN
University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing
Last Modified: January 17, 2012

The majority of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy develop anemia during their treatment (Kitano et al., 2007). The European Cancer Anaemia Survey (ECAS), a study conducted across 24 nations in Europe, reported that about 83% of patients who received chemotherapy demonstrated anemia [defined as a hemoglobin (Hb) < 12.0 g/dL] (Barrett-Lee et al., 2006). Anemia often increases symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, and dyspnea; thus, it may worsen quality of life and performance status in cancer patients (Bremberg, Brandberg, Hising, Friesland, & Eksborg, 2007; Kosmidis & Krzakowski, 2005). Anemia can also affect prognosis in cancer patients, resulting in higher mortality (Aapro & Link, 2008); however, chemotherapy-induced anemia (CIA) in cancer patients is often underestimated and is not treated appropriately by health care providers. ECAS showed that 53% of cancer patients did not receive any treatment for their anemia.

Raahj Natures’ Natural Red Iron

Red Iron is a unique and special iron supplement that has been subtracted from natural plant deposits. There are no known side effects as are experienced with many other forms of iron supplements, the most uncomfortable one being constipation.  You can look forward to taking Raahj Natural Red Iron with the assurance of energy being gained by your body.”

Benefits of taking Raahj Natures’ Natural Red IronTM

  • Reduce/eliminate anemia  – Efficient, safe and effective – Increased energy – Vegetarian friendly – 100% Natural
  • No Sweeteners – No Artificial Flavor – No Artificial Color – No Preservatives – No Additives
  • Yeast free – Readily Absorb-able – Fast Acting – Safe for pregnant women
  • Constipation is not a concern with Natural Red Iron. It does not cause this most dreaded side affect for those who take supplements.

Report from a satisfied Customer

Don’t worry, I am aware of what has happened at the ? (name deleted) – I bought my previous 10 bottles from them. I don’t care what the TGA (Australia’s FDA) has to say about this product – it is absolutely and most certainly the best iron supplementation I have ever found, or ever will find. It does MIRACLES for me, and I have been suffering from chronic fatigue and iron deficiency my whole life.

After my health food shop stopped stocking it, I have waited two long painful years for this product to become available again in Australia. After I started taking it again (the order I got from ? (name deleted)) I was on the road to recovery only to hit yet another dead end when the supply was shut down (by TGA) when I went to reorder. I was miserable. I simply cannot tolerate other supplemental forms of iron without getting sick. Now I have found your site I am overjoyed at the possibility of getting the good stuff into my system again. I have TOTAL FAITH in this product and will continue to back it as long as it is available.

I thank you for your email, and assure you that I am a loyal and long time customer of Gunderson’s products. I hope that we get the chance to build a rapport, as I am sure I will buying more iron from you again in the future. My family love this product too, but I am the one who needs it most! Bloody Aussies. Bloody TGA. All these (explicit) trying to get in the way of my recovery and I’m not having it!!! Power to the people and all that.(SKF)

What is the Role of Iron in the Human Body?

Iron is of tremendous value to the human body. It assists in the formation of red blood cells and is a transporter of oxygen to every cell, providing us with the necessary burst of energy we all need to help us through our daily tasks.

Iron also assists the memory and the ability to concentrate and can help improve the state of healthy activity and mood. In addition. Iron helps build resistance to infection, stress, and disease.

Iron deficiency has also been shown to affect intellectual activity and efficiency. Additionally, lack of iron can lead to a general run-down feeling, anemia, headaches, acute infections, colds, flu, dizziness and shortness of breath during periods of exertion such as exercise.

Iron Deficiency

Iron deficiency is the most common single nutrient deficiency in the developed world.

It is the most common cause of anaemia and is often called the world’s most common disease.

Nutritional studies continue to find iron deficiency common in menstruating women and dietary need is known to be increased in pregnancy.

Several experimental studies on both humans and animals have proven that Iron deficiency is associated with diminished work capacity. Normal Iron levels are necessary for normal work capacity.. This does not only apply to physical work.

Iron deficiency has also been shown to affect intellectual activity and efficiency. Additionally, lack of iron can lead to a general run-down feeling, anaemia, headaches, acute infections, colds, flu, dizziness and shortness of breath during periods of exertion such as exercise.

Armed with Natural Red Iron you can now safely win the war against the nasty effects of Iron Deficiency. Iron deficiency occurs over a very long time (2-3 years!) before anemia becomes obvious from blood testing and it is vital to detect this deficiency before the symptoms appear. By the time the visible symptoms stage has been reached, the patient is grossly depleted of iron stores.

Iron is stored in many cells including muscle fibers, liver, brain and bone marrow and to a lesser extent, the red blood cells. A low hemoglobin level detected in the blood test is a sure sign that iron loss has been going on for a long time and indicates advanced iron depletion throughout the body.

Iron Functions

Iron is vital in the functioning of the immune system because of its place in the formation and functioning of ATP, steroids, the thyroid gland, hemoglobin and myglobin, the liver, the formation of 90 enzymes in the body and apoptosis in cancer considerations.